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Our services
Yoga Classes

At Alma Pura we havemultiple teaching methods,|| |40 así como con una important diversity of disciplines, so that you can choose the ones that best fit your needs:

  • In-person classes of Aero Yoga, Hatha, Kundalini yoga, Kundalini yoga for pregnant women, Yoga for Children and Vinyasa. Come to our yoga studio in Arroyo Molinos, Madrid and choose the discipline you want to practice.
  • Private classes for companies and at home.
  • Online classes for individuals and groups.
  • On weekends different workshops: Yoga classes with Ecological Brunch, Meditation, Sadhana, Family Yoga, Family Constellations, Specific workshops to empower women and on pregnancy for conscious couples.
  • Training in Sat Nam Rasayan.
  • Spiritual retreats: yoga, meditation, organic food and practice in nature.

Contact us and tell us what we can do for you, whether yoga for the little ones , for your pregnancy, to connect body and mind or training in Sat Nam Rasayan, We are here for you!

Classes and benefits

Two of the things that many people ask us when are going to start practicing yoga inAlma Pura are:

1 What yoga classes do we offer?

2 What benefits do I get?

Here we tell you some of the benefits of our main classes that you can receive atour yoga studio in Arroyo Molinos, Madrid, online or at home:

Aero Yoga

This type of yoga is performed on a swing in which different yoga asanas (postures) adapted to the fabric are practiced. The classes are almost private, the group is very small so the student is directed and close to the teacher at all times.

The level and evolution is set by you yourself, it is not It is necessary to have practiced before.

Among the benefits you will find: feeling happier and freer, losing fears, letting your body flow, improving your self-confidence and self-esteem. Likewise, it will help you develop your strength and body control, increase your flexibility, strengthen your spine, keeping it upright and flexible, tone your muscles, elasticity, strengthen the abdominal area and shape your body, improving your figure.

Aero Yoga


It is said to be the most practiced style of yoga in the world, it is the base yoga from which they start the different styles of yoga whose common factor is the union of body, mind and spirit.

Hatha focuses on perfecting the physical body in order to influence the mind and consciousness, and emphasizes flexibility and patience. In a Hatha class, the balance of the body and mind is worked on through asanas (postures), pranayamas (breathing) and meditation.

Kundalini Yoga for pregnant women

It is a type of energetic yoga that elevates your consciousness, enhancing the union of body, mind and spirit.

A kundalini yoga class It has a spiritual aspect in which you work with kriyas (sets of postures, breathing, mantras, mudras and concentration).

Each kriya is intended to work on a part of you to achieve physical, mental and emotional. In this way we manage to eliminate blockages by letting the energy flow through the main chakras (energy centers). Which will allow us to feel healthier, happier, more prosperous and more elevated.

Practicing Kundalini yoga at Alma Pura offers you endless benefits: it strengthens the nervous and glandular system, stimulates circulation, etc.

Kundalini Yoga for pregnant women


This is a style of Dynamic and fluid Yoga that synchronizes movements and breathing chaining one posture with another.

In Vinyasa yoga all the postures held by the body are connected through rhythmic breathing, and that causes strength and energy to be created in the body. 

The series will lead us to an awake, serene and conscious state of mind through Patience and Humility. Some of the benefits include: it helps reduce stress levels, anxiety, improving the quality of your sleep, your self-esteem, etc.

Family Yoga

The family shares a growth space where parents and children learn together to breathe, concentrating and knowing your physical and emotional universe. Doing Yoga with our Children is an enriching experience that generates children with confidence in themselves and their Parents.

With the practice of yoga as a family we make all its members feel present and communication arises in a magical way, in addition, as Mother and Father you meet again with your inner child, forgetting about the boring obligations of being an adult and you get to connect with the energy of your children.


Family Yoga

Yoga for Children

1 hour classes in which through games, stories, yoga postures and songs, children will learn to breathe together and experience the benefits of yoga, strengthening their emotions through love and affection.

What benefits will they obtain from practicing yoga? :

  • They will cultivate consciousness, body, mind and spirit.
  • They will increase flexibility and motor coordination.
  • Greater concentration and energy management.
  • They will work on physical, mental and emotional balance through games.
  • They will work in groups with a sense of unity and community.
  • They will increase their sense of humor and their self-esteem.
  • Calmness, concentration and connection with their body and their emotions.
  • They will work observing their talent and gifts.
  • Solidarity, compassion and respect mutual between children.


Family Yoga

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